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Kamis, 29 April 2010

About My Junior High Friends..^^

I have many friends who can make my world become so shine and full of colour.^^

a few days ago 4 my friends hold a party.
the party for celebrated their Group Birthday..
the group name is 'EMPATES'

(= =a)

emm..dont ask me why they give that name...

the group is contain with 4 unFunny Peoples with their own skill.
Theres Nicko who really great in EVERY SUBJETS
and Dami who reall addicted with Guitar and he is an artist ..heheh

Theres Haris ..the most UnFunny People in there..=.=,but he is nice..
and last is Prasetyo ...the most silent and the most NYOLOT people in there...

The party was so fun and make me nostalgic some my memories in junior high.


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