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Senin, 12 April 2010

Miwa no Nikki 100412

"you back from school so early,thats so unusually,you know?"
the pedicap man who pick me to home said that.=,=
hmm..i dont know if he always watch me back home at night...

but he is right,today i back to home early...
cause i didnt play with atashi no seme,dimuy,nabila,or kijeng..
i felt really tired and want to back home as soon as possible..

i feel not excited today..
ok,maybe i feel sad because last night..but i think thats so baka.
ok,forget that now miwa..!

aa...i got accident today..
exactly the 'wet accident'

This the story....



Author : QaishuMiwAkimoto
Cast : ->Me
->Dhiah pangesti
->Ghea Nuraisyah

its started when I and 3 my friends went to the mosque for pray..
and this the cronology ...

Me : (look at dhiah)

Dhiah : (prepare her self for take wudhu)

Me : (got an evil idea)

Dhiah : (still didnt notice theres a devil me beside her)

Ghea : (talked to me)

Amel : (prepare herself)

Me : (get closer to dhiah and prepare my evil's)

Dhiah : (open the faucet in front of her)

Me : (move my hands at both side of dhiah's waist and tickle her)

Dhiah : (dancing her waist so baka!)"Arrrghhh!!!stop playing me..!!"

Me,Ghea,Amel : (laugh so devil and still tickle her)"ahahahahahahah..."

Dhiah : (still dance>,<)"wait!!aaargh...!!you make my skirt wet!!huhu..."

Me : (laugh and stop tickled her)"ahahahahah....thats good!!"

Then 3 of us(amel,ghea and me) laughed so loud at her.
i couldnt stop my laughed to her while i prepare my self for wudhu.
i still laughed laughed and laughed...untill i didnt see what kind of faucet that i touched...

Me : (look at dhiah)"ahahahahah...(open the faucet)ahahahah...HWAAAAAA!!!"(became panic)

All students in there including dhiah,ghea and amel looked at me so shocked.
I became so wet in 3 seconds!
full wet!!

My uniform wet...

my hair?wet!

my face...??of course super wet!!


all peoples in there still silent when i tried to repair the faucet with wet situation.
then after i finished that i looked at them with poor expression..
and They Laughed so loud to me...especially Dhiah.
she looked so happy when she knew my body was so wet at that time.

Urgh..!!!baka faucet!!baka faucet!!baka faucet!!
and ...Baka me!!!>///////<
im so shame at that time...
my uniform so wet and my friends laughed at me..and also my senpai who arrived after that..

demmo,thats can be a lesson for me..
dont try to disturb someone or you will get the punishment more than them...>,<

for me...
i got more wet than Dhiah today....

Dhiah : (Looks like a winner to me)"Hahahahhahah...!!!you got the punishment...taste that!!"

Me : (bitter smile to her)"oh yeah,im really glad..cause actually i feel so hot and need water more..~aahahah.."

~The wet accident end~

Hmm...hope all of you who read this can got many lesson.
a,i must study for my exam tomorrow...and prepare some assigment..*sigh*

jya minna!

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